Today, I’ve got a major challenge for you. I want you to take a look at what you are currently spending on marketing – whether it’s on brochures, your website, pay per clicks, PR, newspaper, direct mail, social media etc. – and I want you to slash the total budget by 20%.  No matter what you are selling and where you are selling it, I guarantee that you won’t miss that 20%.  And there is a very good reason for that.  96% of the people who see your message right now, don’t get it anyway.  You are spending thousands of dollars each year on sales and marketing materials to increase your sales and the vast majority of your prospects don’t understand your message – so they can’t possibly recall it and buy from you.

So with the money you just saved in your pocket, we are going to take a few minutes right now to re-engineer your message and give you a much better chance of getting through and being understood.  The good news is this – it is not going to cost you much to take the time right now to create a message that helps more of your prospects to say “yes”. And if more leads say “yes”, the money you do spend on sales and marketing is going to increase your sales.

To prove my point, I’d like to make you an interesting offer – I can either give you $50 cash right now or a piece of paper where I will write the net present value of a five year annuity at a compound annual interest rate of 10%, adjusted for CPI.  Which of these sounds more appealing to you? Which would you rather take right now?  Which of these can you take now, put in your wallet or spend it at the shopping centre?

Unless you are one of those very rare individuals who can calculate in your head the value of my second offer, I’m willing to bet you’d rather just take the $50.  And that makes a whole lot of sense, because everyone knows what $50 is and what it is worth. There’s nothing confusing about it, is there?

The part of your brain that makes decisions is not interested in working hard to figure out what my message means and what it’s worth. That part of your brain is looking for something that is tangible.  And if you’re unsure about whether a message is tangible or not – ask yourself “would a 6 year old understand it?”

Think about it – if I offer you a $50 note or an orange, you don’t have to think very hard about it to figure out what I am offering you, do you?  Both of them are equally easy to understand.  As soon as you see it, you know what it is and you know exactly what you can do with it. $50 will buy you enough food to cook a meal and the orange is good for you – it’s tasty and you can eat it.  There are no directions and no heavy thinking required to make sense of what I am offering you.  Your new brain doesn’t have to do any thinking (and wasting time) to get my message.

So what does this mean for you, your message and your customers?  If you are making it hard for your customers to understand what you do and whether they are getting a good deal, you need to spend some time right now making your offer more tangible.  Ask yourself “does my message include a bunch of big words, fluff and jargon?”  Could it be boiled down to something that a 6 year old could understand?  What do you need to do to communicate it more clearly to increase your sales – t0 help your prospects to be able to say “yes”? Can you simplify the words that you use or introduce photos or props to get your message across faster?

Now, I think you can guess that coming up with a simple, succinct message is a lot harder than being lazy and throwing together an ad full of useless, complicated information.  A good rule of thumb here is to remember that you should be working harder to craft and simplify your message than your prospect has to in order to decipher it.  Someone has to do the hard work – either you are committed to doing it before hand or your customer will need to think about it.

Now if you are serious about saving money and you want to increase your sales, you won’t spend another cent until you stop, take a good hard look at your materials and do whatever it takes to make your message tangible.  You don’t have to spend more money to chase find customers.  What you really need to do is take the complication and confusion out of your message so that more of your prospects can say “yes” now.

What if I told you that YOU are you’re own worst enemy? Would you be offended  or would you smile and agree, because you know it’s true. It’s true for ALL of  us.

You can tell a lot about a business person by the way they spend their time.  We all spend our time in various ways. Many business owners and senior  executives tell me that there is not enough time in the day to get everything  done. Personally, I have a belief that there is always enough time in the day to  do all of the things that are WORTH doing. The key is to identify what is worth  your while.

Sometimes activity can be a kind of anesthesia for the pain of not achieving  the results you want and deserve. Action is always better than procrastination.  However, more activity is not always better than less.

What about ‘make busy’ activities? If you’ve ever spent your day stuck in  back-to-back meetings, answering routine questions from your team, responding to  emails, troubleshooting, emptying the in-tray or tidying the office, you know  exactly what I mean by ‘make busy’.

It is easy to spend large amounts of time on ‘make busy’ activities. In fact  it is possible to spend ALL your time on these activities, creating the  magnificent illusion that you are hard at work, simply because you feel flat  out. You are working hard but you have very little (in financial results) to  show for it. Your day is full of tasks and you get home exhausted – so you must  have put in a hard day’s work, right?

Unfortunately, these habitual and ‘make busy’ activities can keep you trapped  where you already are – just simply maintaining, not growing. By filling your  days with these tasks, you are in effect avoiding the very activities that you  know will really move your business or career forward and produce tangible  results – what we might call ‘productive activities’. These activities rarely  happen automatically. They require focused attention. And, all too often, they  get relegated to ‘tomorrow’ or ‘sometime soon’.

A great many business owners and senior executives, while they like to think  of themselves as entrepreneurial, would rather do anything other than face the  thought of ”productive activities”. They probably have these things on their  ‘to do’ lists, but after another day of busyness, they just say to themselves –  again “It’s OK, I was really busy. The business planning review will have to  wait for tomorrow.”

The problem is this – and believe me, I have seen it played out many, many  times: if you are waiting for the right or best time to do these critical  ‘productive activities’, that time will simply never come. Tomorrow there will  be more ‘busy work’ to do, and your unproductive habits will fill the rest of  the day, and the cycle will start all over again.

Today is a new day – the past is over and has no relevance to today or your  future. Successful people are not without problems or challenges. Successful  people simply refuse to carry the SAME dilemmas or hurdles for months (or years)  on end. They seek solutions, face impediments, overcome obstacles and move on.  They make time to focus on ‘productive activities’. They rise above the ‘noise’  of busyness, create ways to focus their mind on the things that really matter  right now, and get on with the job. They set specific goals and they monitor and  take action based on the financial trends in their business. They don’t try to  do ‘everything’, they focus only on the very things that will give them the most  leveraged and positive result. They rarely blame external circumstances when  things go wrong and they take responsibility every day for what they choose to  spend their time on.

Success is achieved with less not more – and it’s actually easier than you  think. Working like a dog to avoid dealing with problems and keeping yourself  immersed in ‘busy work’ – now THAT IS HARD WORK! Why would you choose to do THAT  when you could simply take a step back and choose to do the 1-2 things that you  know would move your business forward right now?

Isn’t it time to start taking it easy? It worked for The Eagles in the ’70s  and it can work for you in your business (or career) right now!

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