Rhondalynn Korolak, Author of "Financial Foreplay®" and "On The Shoulders of Giants

Rhondalynn Korolak, Author of "Financial Foreplay®" and "On The Shoulders of Giants

I have been fortunate to discover that there is a reason for all things – even those that are senseless and incomprehensible – and that we have to somehow learn to trust that there is a bigger picture that perhaps we, as mere human beings, can never truly understand.

The most beautiful expression of this idea I’ve ever read was in a children’s book ‘Little Soul in the Sun’ by Neil Donald Walsh. In the story, Walsh talks of a Little Soul who wants to be incarnated as a human being to learn ‘forgiveness’. A Friendly Soul agrees to oblige him by incarnating as a person to do something to the Little Soul that will help him learn the lesson of forgiveness. But the Friendly Soul issues a plea of caution and says, ‘at the very moment that I strike you down, please promise me that you will remember who I really am, a Friendly and loving Soul, otherwise we will be doomed to repeat the process over and over again until we get the learnings or until another Little Soul comes down to help us find the way out.

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Rhondalynn Korolak, Author of "Financial Foreplay®"

Rhondalynn Korolak, Author of "Financial Foreplay®"

One of the wonderful things about personal characteristics like confidence or preparedness is that if you pretend to have them, you have them immediately.  Since the mind doesn’t know the difference between a real or imagined event, acting ‘as if’ is a logical and sensible solution to temporary uncertainty!

Because our mind has such a profound influence on our external experience, choosing to adopt beneficial emotional states is the first step to truly mastering your life.  All that we are and have experienced to date is a result of what we have imagined to be true in our minds. If we are unhappy with the results, our experience can be changed as quickly as we can change our minds and imagine a new meaning.

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Rhondalynn Korolak, Author of "Financial Foreplay®"

Rhondalynn Korolak, Author of "Financial Foreplay®"

There’s nothing like a good train wreck.  We all know that we are not supposed to watch.  It’s not politically correct to have a sticky beak and take a peek at the misfortune of others.  But WE just can’t help ourselves, can we?

The Apprentice is a reality-show-train-wreck like no other.  Where else can you find a group of 12 ambitious contestants who don’t have an ounce of talent, business acumen, common sense or humility between them?  I mean seriously, where did Channel 9 get these people?  They are touted as 12 of Australia’s top minds.  If that is true, God help us all.

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Rhondalynn Korolak, Author of "On The Shoulders of Giants"

Rhondalynn Korolak, Author of "On The Shoulders of Giants"

When I first arrived in this country several years ago, I struggled to find anyone who would hire me in a senior management capacity.  I found this puzzling since I have two degrees, two professional designations and very solid work experience with recognized international brands.  The MAIN reason I was given by organizations was that I “lacked Australian work experience”.  I found this reason to be puzzling. 

We live in a world where there are few global trading boundaries.  Every business is susceptible to the threat of losing customers to internet-based businesses (which in many cases sell the same products for less) and we need to think outside of the square to compete and maintain market share.
My track record in business speaks for itself – plus I was named Online Retailer of the Year for Canada in 2001 by the Retail Sales Council of Canada.  And yet, I initially struggled to get General Managment positions because I didn’t have enough “Australian experience”.  Doesn’t everyone else in these organizations already have enough Australian experience?  Why did need it in order to contribute and add value?  Shouldn’t my international and internet retailing experience have made a welcome, diverse addition to any senior managment team or Board?

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Rhondalynn Korolak, Author of "On The Shoulders of Giants"

Rhondalynn Korolak, Author of "On The Shoulders of Giants"

More important than originality or intrigue, is the ability for a writer to help us experience the world in new and meaningful ways.  Far beyond the obvious –  the power of words to make you hear, to make you feel, to make you see—and above all to make you dream.  Words hold the power to define and eradicate boundaries – both physical and mental.

Twitter has the potential to separate the literary men (and women) from the mice!  Where else can you say so little or so much with 140 mere characters?  I would advocate that if you can master the following Twitter secrets, you will have learned all that there is to become a better, faster, more concise, compelling and articulate writer.

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