Rhondalynn Korolak

Rhondalynn Korolak

Are you sabotaging your own success? Here are some tell-tale signs that you might be:

1. Do you sometimes jump into a project or enterprise before fully comprehending what you need to do?
2. Have you ever undertaken a task that you know you will probably abandon as soon as something more interesting comes along?
3. Do you allow yourself to get so sidetracked by details that you lose track of your original objective?
4. Have you ever put off making a decision or getting started on a project because “things are just fine the way they are”?

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Rhondalynn Korolak

Rhondalynn Korolak

For those of you who were at the South Melbourne Business Association breakfast this weekend, as promised, here is a copy of the powerpoint presentation slides with more content and specifics…


Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you might have – I am happy to elaborate on these topics and provide whatever further guidance I can…

Author of On The Shoulders of Giants

Author of On The Shoulders of Giants

I often get asked to speak on content marketing – specifically what do I do (besides the obvious stuff like SEO) to get good qualified organic traffic onto my website.  Here are some of my top tips which cost very little (or nothing) and are highly effective and easy to implement.

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RMK webphotoHow can an online service that only lets you write 140 characters per message be worth using to build your business or further your career? After all, it seems to be full of MLM marketers, life coaches and people who are only too happy to tell you exactly what they are doing, every 10 minutes of their day! 

Twitter can be a powerful way to make connections, get feedback, test headlines and put your finger on the pulse of what is hot in your industry – in fact, Twitter can be an asset if used for good, not evil.  Indulge me for a moment while I highlight some very useful strategies that will make your online efforts simply Twitterific.

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We live in a world with a million possible distractions, pressures, emergencies and interruptions, how can we stay possibly stay focused (on our goals) and sane?

There are always going to be several things constantly competing for my your time – marketing campaigns to design, team members to manage, customers to respond to, business opportunities to explore, issues to follow up, personal commitments etc.  However, whenever you try to work on too many things at the same time, inevitably none of them ever gets done.

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